Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Today my daughter turns one year old! I can't believe it. I don't know where the time has gone. I also can't believe how much she has grown. She is just about walking and is eating all kinds of table foods. She doesn't talk much - says bye and mama (but not Mommy) and that is about it. She definitely understands a lot, though. She tries to get herself dressed - especially socks, shoes, and pants. She climbs everywhere - including inside the toilet once! She's tall for her age. She loves her brother very much. I can't believe that one year ago today I was still pregnant with her. I went into labor about 3:30 am and she was born at 1:37 pm. It has been a long year but one I have enjoyed with my daughter very much. I love her smile and how she loves her brother. I love how much she enjoys life to the fullest. She likes to move and explore. She loves to eat (and can eat a lot). She likes to "read" books and listen to music. She can "dance" to music while following the beat. She likes thanking baths. She loves her Daddy and she's pretty fond of her Mommy too (if I do say so myself!). I love watching her grow and learn and explore. I hope she grows up to be a happy person and enjoys life to the fullest and finds happiness in a career, in love, and in all things she does. Love you bunches baby girl. Happy Birthday Paleigh Anne. Until later...
-Lawyer by Day and Mommy by Night