Monday, October 6, 2008

We can clap!

Riley learned a new trick yesterday. He can clap! He claps a lot now. But he will also clap upon request. Just say Riley can you clap for me and he'll stop doing whatever he's doing and clap! And this is not even something we have worked on! He just started doing it and clearly understands the meaning of the word clap! I think we are working on some more teeth as well as the dentist said that his gums were swollen and he hasn't slept well recently. He got a good report at the one year visit at the doctor on the 25th of September. He weighed almost 22 lbs and was almost 30 inches tall. The doctor did suggest that he drink 24-32 oz of whole milk each day! This seemed like a lot to us. We working on adding more milk into his diet but it is difficult. One day he had 17 oz between what he drank and what we used to make cereals with and that was a record for him! He is still nursing in the mornings and the evenings so he isn't totally on whole milk yet anyway. He usually eats a yogurt each day so he gets other dairy in too. He just so cute but boy is he a handful! I played with him yesterday for about 30-45 minutes outside near the sandbox and I was exhausted! I think we definitely underpay our nanny! Although I miss being at home with my child, I think I am still exhausted after working all day and being in trial than I would be chasing after my little monkey all day long! Well, I better go. My husband just came in from the store (we forget to buy whole milk) and brought both dinner and flowers! What a wonderful husband I have. Well until later...
-Lawyer by Day and Mommy by Night

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