Sunday, May 4, 2008

Great Birthday Party!

I had a great birthday party! Current co-workers, old co-workers, neighbors, family friends, etc. all came. The weather was nice and everyone had a good time relaxing. Riley's such a good baby and he went to everyone who wanted to hold him. He only cried when he got really tired and wanted to go to sleep. My mother and husband prepared some really great food. We have plenty of leftovers so we'll be be able to partake for days to come. I had a great day. You only turn 30 once and I wanted a nice party and that is exactly what we had.


Doc. said...

Great party, great food, great family, great friends!!!! Thanks for including us. Happy Birthday. I love the baby pictures.

Jan said...

Glad you enjoyed your party. Thanks for letting me be "the caterer" and have a part in your social life!

w.b.Spark said...

Happy belated b-day!
Seems like 30-year-birthday parties come with mums taking care of food: mine invited 30 of my friends for dinner in a lovely restaurant. That was really great :)

Unknown said...

Sorry we were unable to make it to your party. As you know David turned 50 and all of my boys were home with their girlfriends to help him celebrate. I mailed your card Monday, sorry it is late. I had intended for it to be mailed last week while I was out of town. You know that David and I love you very much and are really proud of you. I hope this year will bring many more blessing. Love Elaine